Sweet Potatoes Cameron Growing Process
The Growing Process for Sweet Corn Cameron Highlands
Sweet potatoes take 10 months from planting until harvest in Cameron Highlands because the cool weather makes the plant grow slowly. If the same type of sweet potato is planted in hot weather like Kuala Lumpur, it will grow faster about 5-7 months can harvest. Different weather in Cameron Highlands makes the sweet potatoes Cameron taste different and better.
Nowadays very fewer farmers plant sweet potatoes in Cameron Highlands because they plant too a long time, some vegetable plants 2-3 months can harvest for sell. But sweet potatoes need 10 months, normally farmers can plant 2-3 batch vegetables to sell. Plant sweet potato is more hard, the mouse eats inside the earth we cannot see. Sometimes one tree only got 1 or just a few sweet potatoes. The harvest result is also less now.
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