Corn Kernels

Unveiling the Magic of White Corn: How Cooking Makes It Healthier

The Science of White Corn Kernel: How Nixtamalization Enhances Its Nutritional Value. White corn is not just a tasty snack;…

1 year ago

White Corn Kernel vs. Yellow Corn Kernel: Which One Is Better for You?

Corn comes in different colors like white and yellow. They're both tasty and healthy! But which one is better for…

1 year ago

The Magnificent Legacy of White Corn Kernels

An Ageless Story of Nourishment and Joy Once upon a distant time, in sunlit fields where nature danced, there blossomed…

1 year ago

Best Frozen Sweet Corn Recipe

If you're looking for the best frozen sweet corn recipe, you've come to the right place! I'm going to share…

2 years ago

White Corn Kernel Oatmeal

Simple Cooking White Corn Kernel with Oat White corn kernels cooked with oat is a simple, easy, and healthy breakfast…

3 years ago


玉米浓汤的做法 材料 玉米粒 ... 1/2杯 火腿 ... 2片 豌豆 ... 2大匙 蛋 ... 1个 调味料─盐 ... 1小匙 太白粉 ... 1大匙 鸡精 ... 1小匙 胡萝卜...一条 做法: 1.火腿、胡萝卜切小丁、蛋打成蛋汁备用。…

4 years ago

Vegetable Fried Rice

Vegetable Fried Rice with White Corn Kernel I made vegetable fried rice to use up leftover vegetables and to try…

4 years ago

3 Simple Method to Cook Corn Kernels

While fresh corn cooked and eaten on the cob is a ubiquitous summertime meal, the kernels scraped off the cob…

4 years ago

White Corns Kernel Can Deliver to Your Doorstep

White corn kernels can deliver to your doorstep now. Good News. You can buy white corn kernels at your home,…

4 years ago

10 Ways To Cook Corn Kernel At Home

玉米粒的10种家常做法,学会了受用一辈子! 1.松子玉米粒 材料: 玉米粒一碗,松仁一小碗,辣椒(小)一个,胡萝卜(小)一根,小葱一棵,盐半小勺。 步骤: 1.将辣椒、胡萝卜、小葱全部切玉米粒大小的丁。 2.锅内加油,待油温有3成热,就把松仁放入锅中,保持小火,白白的松仁稍微有一点点变色,捞来沥油。 3.另起一锅,加底油,同时下葱花和胡萝卜丁煸炒,煸出香味后加辣椒丁,翻炒几下,就可以加入甜玉米粒翻炒了,至熟,加半小勺盐调味,盛盘出锅待用。 4.将预备好的松仁,倒入盘中,拌匀即可。   2.椒盐玉米粒 材料: 罐装玉米粒1罐,鸡蛋1个,生粉适量,椒盐少许,小香葱1根。 步骤: 1.将玉米粒控干水分,放入碗中,打入一个鸡蛋。 2.加入适量生粉,可以适当多放些,以至玉米粒比较有厚重感。 3.充分搅匀,使玉米粒均匀裹满蛋液。 4.锅中加适量油,比炒菜稍多一些,烧至七、八成热时倒入玉米粒,不要立刻用铲子拨动,等待约半分钟再用铲子搅散。 5.炒几下停一会,不要一直翻动,待玉米粒呈金黄色后熄火,趁热撒入椒盐和葱花,拌匀即可。  …

5 years ago