番薯 | 2个 |
红片糖 | 1片 |
姜 | 2块 |
鹌鹑蛋 | 8个 |
陈皮 | 1片 |
1. 红薯削皮,切成块。
2. 老姜,陈皮,红片糖或者红糖。姜去皮用刀拍扁。
3. 鹌鹑蛋煮几分钟后,剥壳。
4. 水开放老姜。
5. 放红薯和陈皮。中火煲20分钟。
6. 下红糖和鹌鹑蛋,再转小火煮10-15分钟。
7. 老姜和红糖很配,透着或隐或现的陈皮香,喝一碗,很舒服。
诀窍:番薯去皮后马上放入加了盐的水里浸泡一会儿, 这样番薯就不会糖化而变黑。
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Sweet corn is a beloved staple in many kitchens, known for its crisp texture and naturally sweet flavor. To enjoy it at its best, it's important to know how to choose and store it properly. Here are some tips to ensure your sweet corn stays fresh and delicious. Choosing the Perfect Sweet Corn Look for Green Husks: When picking sweet corn, start by checking the husks. They should be green color and tightly wrapped around the cob. If you notice any brown or dried-out husks, it's a sign that the corn isn't fresh. Feel for Firm Kernels: Give the corn a gentle squeeze through the husk. The kernels should feel firm and plump. If they’re mushy or shriveled, put that cob back – it’s past its prime. Check the Silk: The silk (those thread-like strands coming out of the top) should be slightly sticky to the touch and look fresh. Depending on the variety of sweet corn, the color can range from light to dark, so focus more on its condition rather than the specific color. Check for Insects: Look for any small holes or damaged areas on the husk. These could be signs of insect infestation. A clean, undamaged husk is what you’re aiming for. Storing Sweet Corn Refrigerate Immediately: Corn starts to lose its sweetness as soon as it’s picked, so refrigerate it as soon as possible to preserve its flavor. According to the University of Illinois Extension, corn can lose up to 50% of its sugar within 24 hours if not refrigerated. Keep the Husks On: Store the corn with the husks still on. They act as a natural protective barrier and help retain moisture. Reader testimonial: “I’ve always kept the husks on my sweet corn before storing it, and it’s remained fresh and flavorful for several days.” Use a Plastic Bag: Place the ears of corn in a plastic bag to keep them from drying out. Make sure the bag is closed tightly. Freeze for Long-Term Storage: If you can't use the corn within a few days, remove the…
Sweet corn is a versatile and delicious ingredient that can add flavor and color to…
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